donate to NHAS!

Mail and make check (preferable) payable to:
New Hampshire Academy of Science
95 Dartmouth College Highway
Lyme, NH 03768

If you would like to leave special instructions for your donation, i.e. anonymous donor, name(s) only,
names(s) and amounts, or future donations,
contact us.


If you would like to leave special instructions for your donation and/or future donations, click on "Add special instructions to the seller" from within the Donate page or please contact us.

where your money goes

Your tax-deductible contribution will be used to reduce year-round operational costs and keep our tuition for the After School and Summer Programs for middle and high school students as affordable as possible.

The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded us a ~1.2 million dollar 5-year grant.

The New Hampshire Division of Resources and Economic Development awarded us a matching grant of $100,000.

National Institutres of Health (NIH) recently awarded us a ~1.4 million dollar 5-year Grant.

By helping us provide an unmatched level of STEM research experiences to middle and high school students, these grants support our students to lead the next generation of STEM professionals in NH, VT, and the nation.  We thank all who contributed to allow us to achieve this goal. 

Please consider a generous contribution today.
Thank you!
~The NHAS Team~

The New Hampshire Academy of Science is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, Federal Tax ID #46-5758781.